28th April 2019

Zac and Jay Gatecrash The Drum Marketing Event!

As award supplier for many prestigious events worldwide, it’s always good to see or hear feedback

As award supplier for many prestigious events worldwide, it’s always good to see or hear feedback from those events. This however has to be the most comical and ballsy by far.

At The Drum Marketing Awards on 3rd April, Zac Alsop and Jamie Rawsthorne from The Zac and Jay Show from YouTube, not only gatecrashed the event, they took to the stage only to find the mic was off, headed to the Drum’s sound crew persuading them to make the mics live, returned to the stage, complete with spotlight and gave their pitch in front of a crowded room.

Fantastic stunt and full credit to The Drum who were seen enjoying a drink with them later in the evening.

Check out the video on their channel here
