When you receive a testimonial this good, it seems a shame not to share it……..so here it is.
Awarding Champions in Business
World Options is an online shipping software technology provider, operating through a network of 80 franchises across the UK. Each year World Options hosts a prestigious National Sales Conference to celebrate a great year, where hard-working franchisees have reached new heights in business growth.
“Our National Sales Conference is an extremely special occasion; we take months planning towards it and we all look forward to the day. It’s an opportunity to present awards to our Entrepreneurial Franchises, every detail has to be absolutely spot on and top quality.
That’s why we use Awarded2U, it’s always a pleasure working with them to create the trophies for our event, they are professional and the awards when handed to winners, never fail to impress.
They’ve been providing our glass trophies for several years. Usually we don’t know who is going to receive an award until a few short weeks before the event, so we work closely with Awarded2U to provide a quick turnaround.
Literally every World Options franchisee wants to get their hands on these special glass trophies, for two reasons; getting the award is symbol of huge success and secondly the awards look absolutely mint”.
Angela Delaney
Marketing Manager